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What is this program?

Orphic’s internship program aims not only to train young scholars and artists as dramaturgs, but to explore the possibilities of what dramaturgy can be in the contemporary theater world. Through its focus on the canon of Greek tragedy, the program asks its interns to research established text, and to respond to it critically. Through its commission of original adaptations of Greek tragedy, the program gives its interns the opportunity to interact with living playwrighst, and to influence emerging plays. Through its online presence, the program presents the interns with various ways to document the script development process, and to share their thoughts and questions in a public way. In the past, Orphic’s interns have undertaken art projects, written articles, given presentations, and led post-show discussions with Portland audiences. But our aspirations are ever increasing, and the theatre world keeps going in new and exciting directions. So in 2019 and 2020, we're leaning hard into social media, and experimenting with podcasting. Dramaturgy, whether it's looking at ancient stories or contemporary ones, is changing. And we need you to help it do so!


Who should apply?

Orphic’s internship is offered to Portland-area college students entering their sophomore, junior, or senior year, and to recent college graduates. These students are drawn both from academic and artistic backgrounds. A candidate need not to have declared a major in either classical studies or theatre arts, but should have a keen interest in one of those fields, as well as a curiosity about the other. The particulars of the program will be tailored to the interns, but all candidates should be ready to write, present, research, create original artwork, and speak both on recordings and to live audiences.


Orphic selects two to four candidates per year, and pays them a stipend of $1000. Selections are made in consultation with the commissioned playwright(s) and any faculty familiar with the candidate. The internship begins in late July, but the bulk of intern responsibilities and assignments will take place during the fall. The program culminates in a workshop of the script-in-development, to be presented in early 2020, as part of the Fertile Ground Festival.

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